Band Room Organization (August '23): Ms. Mowry needs help getting the band room ready for another amazing year! There are jobs big and small, for students and parents, so all are welcome. Service hours will be available. Sign up here.
Husky Clean Up: 2-4 hours of your time on the weekend helps the band earn $1200 after each Husky home football game. Sign up to volunteer for any or all of this year's dates!
Help with Recorded Concerts: If you have AV experience and equipment and know how to stream...we could use your expertise. Email us at [email protected].
Husky Clean Up: 2-4 hours of your time on the weekend helps the band earn $1200 after each Husky home football game. Sign up to volunteer for any or all of this year's dates!
Help with Recorded Concerts: If you have AV experience and equipment and know how to stream...we could use your expertise. Email us at [email protected].
We are looking for volunteers for the following positions. If you are interested or have questions, please email [email protected].
Everyone is invited to our Band Booster Meetings - whether you take on a big role or a help with smaller events, we'd love your input! To hear about our meetings, sign up to receive our emails on the home page.
- Marching Band Uniform Co-Lead: The Uniform Co-Leads are responsible for keeping our marching band looking good! The Co-Leads organize the distribution of marching band uniforms for games, fit uniforms to students (hemming and adjusting fit), and maintain the RHS Band uniforms. Late August through mid-October are the busiest with less activity the remainder of the year.
- Husky Cleanup Organizer: This person organizes the Husky cleanup mornings, which is RHS Band's biggest fundraiser of the year, communicating with UW, providing doughnuts for cleanup crew, and leading the cleanup activities. We are looking for a volunteer to assist '23-'24 and take over for the following school year.
- Booster Secretary: This person takes notes at meetings and manages the RHS Band email and Signup Genius site. We are looking for a volunteer to assist '23-'24 and take over for the following school year.
- Booster Trearurer: This person manages the Booster accounts and budgets for events. We are looking for a volunteer to assist '23-'24 and take over for the following school year.
Everyone is invited to our Band Booster Meetings - whether you take on a big role or a help with smaller events, we'd love your input! To hear about our meetings, sign up to receive our emails on the home page.
For General Questions, Email: [email protected]
Snail Mail: PO Box 15617 | Seattle, WA | 98115
Board Members:
Chair: Sarah Thomas, [email protected]
Co-Chair: Tina Gourd, [email protected]
Treasurer: Raj Kapur, [email protected]
Secretary: Tracy Hillstrom, [email protected]
At Large | Recruitment: OPEN
At Large | Husky Clean-Up: Mark Conley, [email protected]
Key Positions:
Uniforms: Sarah Thomas & Jennifer C, [email protected]
Drum Line Parent Liaison: Balika Haakanson, [email protected]
Website Liaison: Maya Pawlitschek, [email protected]
Bake Sale Co-Coordinator: Balika Haakanson, [email protected]
Bake Sale Co-Coordinator: OPEN
Booster Meetings and Minutes
All meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of the month in the RHS Band Room at 7:30 pm
Booster Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2023
May 16, 2023
April 18, 2023
March 21, 2023
February 28, 2023
January 17, 2023
November 15, 2022
October 18, 2022
September 20, 2022
June 21, 2022
RHS Band Booster Bylaws. Confirmed on 11/19/19
Snail Mail: PO Box 15617 | Seattle, WA | 98115
Board Members:
Chair: Sarah Thomas, [email protected]
Co-Chair: Tina Gourd, [email protected]
Treasurer: Raj Kapur, [email protected]
Secretary: Tracy Hillstrom, [email protected]
At Large | Recruitment: OPEN
At Large | Husky Clean-Up: Mark Conley, [email protected]
Key Positions:
Uniforms: Sarah Thomas & Jennifer C, [email protected]
Drum Line Parent Liaison: Balika Haakanson, [email protected]
Website Liaison: Maya Pawlitschek, [email protected]
Bake Sale Co-Coordinator: Balika Haakanson, [email protected]
Bake Sale Co-Coordinator: OPEN
Booster Meetings and Minutes
All meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of the month in the RHS Band Room at 7:30 pm
Booster Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2023
May 16, 2023
April 18, 2023
March 21, 2023
February 28, 2023
January 17, 2023
November 15, 2022
October 18, 2022
September 20, 2022
June 21, 2022
RHS Band Booster Bylaws. Confirmed on 11/19/19
Pride Parade 6/25
Click here to pay for pre-ordered Pride caps and t-shirts. See parade events page for more information.
2023 Neighborhood Parade
Sunday, June 11th, 2023
Roosevelt Neighborhood
RHS Parade Flyer
The Roosevelt Neighborhood Parade is our annual parade each season and includes a stop at Bartell Drug Store for a short performance. Students arrive at school in the morning for an all band photograph before marching through the neighborhood. After the parade, students will gather in the Commons and surrounding courtyard for a potluck and drinks. Incoming band students are invited to march in the parade and eat with the band afterwards.
Student report time is 10 am. At 10:30 am we will take our traditional group photograph. The parade will begin at 11 am. with Seattle Police escorting. Motorists can expect a rolling slowdown as the parade makes its way along streets in the Roosevelt district. Participating students may earn 3 service hours.
Sign-up: Bring a Potluck Dish to Share (by last name)
Student report time is 10 am. At 10:30 am we will take our traditional group photograph. The parade will begin at 11 am. with Seattle Police escorting. Motorists can expect a rolling slowdown as the parade makes its way along streets in the Roosevelt district. Participating students may earn 3 service hours.
Sign-up: Bring a Potluck Dish to Share (by last name)
- A-E - Drinks (ice and coolers will be provided)
- F-L - Main course food (pizza, mini-sandwiches, pasta, salad)
- M-S - Dessert items
- T-Z - Side dishes (chips, veggies, fruit)
Route Details
Starts at NE 68th Street and 12th Avenue NE; West on 68th to Roosevelt Way NE; South on Roosevelt to NE 64th Street; West on 64th to 12th Avenue NE; turn into the parking lot of Roosevelt Square to play in front of Bartell’s; North on 12th to NE 69th Street; East on 69th to 15th Avenue NE; North on 15th to NE 70th Street; East on 70th to 20th Avenue NE; South on 20th to NE 68th Street; West on 68th to 15th Avenue NE; South on 15th to NE 66th Street; West on 66th to 12th Avenue NE; North on 12th into the Roosevelt High School parking lot. |
Basketball Band Schedule - TBD
Students may earn service hours for playing in the pep band. 3 hours for a single game and 5 hours for the double-headers. Students are responsible for completing the forms required to earn their hours.
Historical Information
Fall 2019Marching Band Practices will be held from
September 10th - October 24th Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45-4:45pm. |
The Macy's Holiday Parade is the morning of Friday, November 29th Meet in the Band Room on the following days: Wednesday, November 13 Tuesday, November 19 Wednesday, November 20 Tuesday, November 26 Wednesday, November 27 |
Historical Festival Information:
EBMEA Band Festival
(Elliot Bay Music Educators Association)
March 26, 2020
Seattle Pacific University
Concert & Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will perform.
There is no fee for this event.
To chaperone this event click here.
There is no fee for this event.
To chaperone this event click here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Central Washington University - Ellensburg
(Many Wind Ensemble students will be playing in the Orchestra this day)
Wind Ensemble will perform.
Concert & Symphonic Band students encouraged to attend. .
We anticipate the fee for this event to be $50 to cover the cost of touring buses and dinner.
To chaperone this event click here.
Scholarship funds are available. Just fill out the form here.
Concert & Symphonic Band students encouraged to attend. .
We anticipate the fee for this event to be $50 to cover the cost of touring buses and dinner.
To chaperone this event click here.
Scholarship funds are available. Just fill out the form here.
Pacific Northwest Band Festival
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 | 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
University of Washington - Meany Hall
Wind Ensemble will perform.
There is no fee for this event and transportation is not provided.
To chaperone this event click here.
We do need some parents to transport larger instruments. Please indicate your availability on the sign up form.
Click for your forms.
There is no fee for this event and transportation is not provided.
To chaperone this event click here.
We do need some parents to transport larger instruments. Please indicate your availability on the sign up form.
Click for your forms.