Happy Spring, Band Families! Time to
March 26 (this week!): April Foolz Concert at 7 PM, RHS
This is the last school-year concert, with the Orchestras and Choirs, and it's a fun one! 7pm, RHS And YES! there will be a bake sale! Contact Shawn at [email protected] to help or bring a baked goodie.
April 1: North End Band Festival - School-Day Trip (8 AM to ~2PM)
For both Concert and Symphonic Bands, at Ballard High School.
We need four parents to chaperone! This will be a school-day trip, leaving around 8:00 am, arriving back at RHS around 2pm. Please contact Stacy at [email protected] if you can chaperone. Mr. Brown will be sending permission slips home shortly.
May 23-25: Hyack International Parade (BC) & Spring Band Camp at Camp Casey *update!*
All Fun! No Marching! (except in the parade)
Parent chaperones needed, as well as a parents willing to take the lead for future camps. Former band parent Laurie Berg and Senior band parent Mary Rockey (THANK YOU!) have agreed to lead this year, however, new parents must step up and learn the ropes now!
Please contact Stacy ([email protected], 206.601.0175) if you can help with this. We are meeting in the next couple of weeks to coordinate info.
Thank you!
RHS Band Boosters
mark your calendars for "the good stuff"...
March 26 (this week!): April Foolz Concert at 7 PM, RHS
This is the last school-year concert, with the Orchestras and Choirs, and it's a fun one! 7pm, RHS And YES! there will be a bake sale! Contact Shawn at [email protected] to help or bring a baked goodie.
April 1: North End Band Festival - School-Day Trip (8 AM to ~2PM)
For both Concert and Symphonic Bands, at Ballard High School.
We need four parents to chaperone! This will be a school-day trip, leaving around 8:00 am, arriving back at RHS around 2pm. Please contact Stacy at [email protected] if you can chaperone. Mr. Brown will be sending permission slips home shortly.
May 23-25: Hyack International Parade (BC) & Spring Band Camp at Camp Casey *update!*
All Fun! No Marching! (except in the parade)
Parent chaperones needed, as well as a parents willing to take the lead for future camps. Former band parent Laurie Berg and Senior band parent Mary Rockey (THANK YOU!) have agreed to lead this year, however, new parents must step up and learn the ropes now!
Please contact Stacy ([email protected], 206.601.0175) if you can help with this. We are meeting in the next couple of weeks to coordinate info.
Thank you!
RHS Band Boosters