Date: Memorial weekend, May 23-24 (home that Sunday evening)
Location: Westminster BC, then to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island
Cost: $150 (scholarships available)
Border crossing: Students and chaperones have some specific ID requirements for crossing into Canada and back.
For info on students traveling to/from US-Canada:
***Students will not be allowed to attend without proper ID***
You can find forms and detailed information on our website: http://www.riderband.org/forms.html
This will also go home with students next week. Please note: you can keep the first page for your information, and return the second page with payment, for registration.
What do we need? YOU! Chaperones are needed! We have several people who have stepped up (thank you!) and need more. We need a couple more to attend from the beginning, but you can also help with the Camp Casey part. If you're interested in driving to Camp Casey Saturday afternoon, so you're there for the camp portion, that's a great option. This is also the last big event for Seniors, so many senior parents might want to think about doing this. Chaperones are free!
Still need more info about this and the rest of our Spring schedule?
Save the date: May 14! We will have a Band Boosters General Meeting with Mr. Brown. 7pm in the RHS Commons - see you there!
Big thanks to Laurie Berg (our Lead for this), and Marika Wong!
Thank you!
RHS Band Boosters
Location: Westminster BC, then to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island
Cost: $150 (scholarships available)
Border crossing: Students and chaperones have some specific ID requirements for crossing into Canada and back.
For info on students traveling to/from US-Canada:
***Students will not be allowed to attend without proper ID***
You can find forms and detailed information on our website: http://www.riderband.org/forms.html
This will also go home with students next week. Please note: you can keep the first page for your information, and return the second page with payment, for registration.
What do we need? YOU! Chaperones are needed! We have several people who have stepped up (thank you!) and need more. We need a couple more to attend from the beginning, but you can also help with the Camp Casey part. If you're interested in driving to Camp Casey Saturday afternoon, so you're there for the camp portion, that's a great option. This is also the last big event for Seniors, so many senior parents might want to think about doing this. Chaperones are free!
Still need more info about this and the rest of our Spring schedule?
Save the date: May 14! We will have a Band Boosters General Meeting with Mr. Brown. 7pm in the RHS Commons - see you there!
Big thanks to Laurie Berg (our Lead for this), and Marika Wong!
Thank you!
RHS Band Boosters